I know I know it has been sooooo long since I updated this blog.......I don't know....I just have been taking time to do other things......We have been busy of course with lots of fun.......Julia was a cheerleader for a day last weekend at the high school basketball game at her school....yes she is still in pre k......it has not been that long since I have written on this blog!!! Her school goes from pre school through high school. It was fun to watch her and the game was good too.....! Our school didn't win.....but they were ahead most of the game.....and then the other team came from behind and won.......oh well......our team didn't win in the Superbowl either but....the game was exciting!!!....This week I was able to spend some time recording a couple of songs that I recently finished writing ....that was fun! I had Julia help sing on one of them......how cool that was......I want to do more songs for her.....she had fun doing it too!.......I have been having a great time being involved with the women's Bible study on Thursday mornings at my church......I am part of the worship team ....I have been very blessed to get to be apart of this group.......I have such a great group of sister friends in the Lord!! There is nothing like being able to do what I enjoy, with people that I admire and all for the purpose of worshiping the Lord......I have been learning to sing harmony also.....my friend Tammy, is so talented and she is helping me every week when we practice for Thursday, it is a slow process of learning.....but I am so thankful to be improving every chance I get........The Bible studies that I have been in this season have also been amazing......wow I feel that God is so personally involved in placing me in the specific studies that have blessed me so much.......I can't even go into all the details.....it is just beyond description!! I have really been growing and learning so many new things from studying the Bible.....We are presently studying the Psalms of ascent.....what a great study!!! also......I have been very interested lately in the end time prophecy......The coming of the Lord could be soon!!! I really hope so!! I am attaching a link that is very exciting info about prophecy and the solar and lunar patterns........ http://elshaddaiministries.us/video/eclipsevideo.html
Also I have posted the recordings of the songs that I have written on my face book page......
Hope everyone has a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.....Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous ; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails;.....

1 comment:
I was just looking at these pictures and thinking of what a beautiful child Julia is.....inside and out.
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