Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Born Again February 17, 2009

Last night while I was tucking Julia into bed, she was asking me some questions about God,and Heaven ......and in the process of this conversation she wanted to pray and ask Jesus to be her Savior and come into her heart !!!! She understands what separates us from God ......Sin....and that she can be forgiven and never separated from God again by asking for forgiveness and having Jesus as her Lord and Savior....because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and He rose again.......and because He lives......we can live again with Him in Heaven for eternity. Julia Loves the Lord and she is always singing His praises and is just pure joy to live it is no surprise that she wanted to do this officially!!! I was OF COURSE very happy!!! She is such a gift from Heaven!! I told her that they are having a party in Heaven for her now!!!(a huge raging one !!) And that is the most important thing that someone could do in their ENTIRE LIFE....I told her that she has now been born again.....into the kingdom of God....she was very she should be!!! What a wonderful gift of eternal life we have by grace.....not by works ....just by a gift accepted .....forgiveness and relationship with God Almighty! To live as we were created to communion with God not separated from Him.......When we are born again, God Himself moves into us and we then live with His Holy Spirit in us!
We went to visit my Grandma Julia today and Julia told her that she was born again last night.....that she invited Jesus into her Grandma told her that she was very happy to hear that and that she also was about her age when she asked Jesus to come into her heart! Julia told me that she told her best friend at school today that she asked Jesus into her heart and that her friend was going to do it too when she got home!!! Great Day!! God is Good...and Life is Good with Him! Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a special day......I am rejoicing with you.

Love, Mom