Tuesday, April 29, 2008

password trouble??

Several people have said that they have tried to leave a comment and could not because the password didn't work.......I had the same sort of problem before .........I think that you need to sign in first......on this front page of the blog........up in the right hand corner......click on " sign in "and then when you go to post a comment it will let you without your password.....hopefully this helps.......it is a blogger thing......I don't have control over passwords or registration , I am just going by what worked when I had the same experience! Let me know if this doesn't work and I can research it more.........
Well I am off to take Julia to school and then do some eyelash extensions at Jessica's. ( that is the latest thing that Jessica and I have learned to do )( Girly fun stuff!!!).......and then I'm getting a massage that Robert and Jessica gave me a gift certificate for my birthday!!! I am soooo looking forward to it!!!!


Mommy2HayLo said...

Hey Lora!! Eyelash extensions!? That sounds like FUN. You'll have to let me know about those!!

Anonymous said...

At bottom of this page, where it says "sign up now" and it is printed in blue, is where you register for posting a comment.


Lora Poe said...

yes...and after you have registered then you will be signed in................ (for future visits .....then you need to sign in on the front page when you want to post a comment..... and when you are signed in from there....this page will not ask for a password to post.....Hey Carrie, yes Eyelash extentions are very fun!! It is quite a process....oh what we do for beauty!! I'll send you a video that shows the procedure!!

Lora Poe said...

or on second thought I will just post it on the blog so that everyone can check it out if interested!!