Monday, April 14, 2008

Birthday # 41

Well, yes.... today I turn 41 years old ....or young......I have to keep in mind that the forties are the new thirties.....? or is it the sixties the new forties.......oh well......whatever it is is NOT that old!!!! It seems like it when you are in your twenties, that forty is so far away........but it comes very quickly......very here on earth goes very fast.......but keeping my eternal perspective I try to remember that eternal life is long, in that respect I am just getting started!!

I had a wonderful time at the retreat in Arrowhead.........a mountain top experience..........the theme was about receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, and having a heart on fire. The Power of Prayer and Surrender to the Spirit. How surrender or letting go, allows you to receive.....and how being devoted is the key to consistent and effective powerful living. It really inspired me to be more devoted to prayer......yes I pray daily.......yes I talk to God along the way .....and that is vital to my life......but I want to spend more planned prayer time......more devoted communication with God......... more time in listen to His Word........I want to have a more powerful Spirit .........yes, I need to take care of my physical self too so that I won't be too worn out to get through the rest of my journey, and I am going to try to be more dicipline in exercise and what I am eating......and a big struggle for me is getting enough sleep.......I want to try this year to be better about taking care these things.........and try to make 41 a year of letting God s power be on high voltage in my life .


Mommy2HayLo said...

Happy Birthday Lora!! Fellow Aries are we!!
I so enjoy reading your blogs!! I actually started one of my own, however, I have just one post, as it's "under construction". Have a blessed day!!
my blog is:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lora,

I'm thinking of you on this special you so much, see you on Wednesday.....can't wait.

Aloha, and lots of LOVE,

Lora Poe said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Hey Carrie that is great about your blog! Good for you!I added it to my favorites!....I had some trouble at first leaving a comment and some others have told me that they had the same problem.....I found out that you have to sign in at the home page (Up in the right top corner ) and then the comment page will let you post your comment.Have a great day and thank you for sharing your blog!