Several people have said that they have tried to leave a comment and could not because the password didn't work.......I had the same sort of problem before .........I think that you need to sign in first......on this front page of the blog........up in the right hand on " sign in "and then when you go to post a comment it will let you without your password.....hopefully this is a blogger thing......I don't have control over passwords or registration , I am just going by what worked when I had the same experience! Let me know if this doesn't work and I can research it more.........
Well I am off to take Julia to school and then do some eyelash extensions at Jessica's. ( that is the latest thing that Jessica and I have learned to do )( Girly fun stuff!!!).......and then I'm getting a massage that Robert and Jessica gave me a gift certificate for my birthday!!! I am soooo looking forward to it!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spring Cleaning
This last week we went through our storage and cleaned out a lot of things .....stuff .......getting ready for a garage sale.........we made it through the garage sale on was a success.....we have more room in our storage area.......a little cash in our pockets... and a good feeling of relief that it is over and out!! Later on Saturday we went to a wedding for a friend at Toscana Country Club in Indian was very nice.....the view of the mountains from there is beautiful!! Julia went to her Grandma Jeannie's and Grandpa Genes ( Doug's Parents) for the night .....they made homemade ice cream and had lots of fun! It was a very full day......being that we got up at about 4:30 Am for the garage sale and then got home from the wedding at about midnight......! Also......Julia had a little stomach bug on Wednesday night........we didn't get any sleep......she has not had much experience throwing up......Thank God.......But she had a night of it on of course she stayed home from school on more throwing up but she had no appetite and was very tired.......and she had a fever of she got lots of rest and a little Tylenol and by Friday she was doing better.......still not much of an appetite ......but fever was gone and she had more Saturday she was ready to go! I needed to be at church by 6:45 AM this morning .........I made it in time ......and all went well.......but as soon as we got home from church it was nap time!!.........we took a long nap and I quote Julia......"that nap was refreshing!"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Grandpas Birthday......April 23,1919

My Grandpa .........Lowell Mann went to be with the Lord in Heaven about three months ago..........he was born 89 years ago today..............April 23, 1919..........we love and miss him..........
If they are having birthday parties in Heaven I'm sure they are having a real "HUM DINGER" for him!
His birth verse is .........Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life...........
............He has a great big heart......his physical heart was remarkable kept going strong...about 30 years after open heart surgery and many other challenges...........and he made his living drilling water wells...........!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This coming Sunday the Choir is singing a Song called "Still" I am working on learning all the words and wow what great words to be dwelling on!!
" STILL" By Hillsong:
Hide me now Under your wings
Cover me Within Your mighty hands
When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You, above the storm
Father, You are king over the flood I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul, in Christ alone Know His power, in quietness and trust
" STILL" By Hillsong:
Hide me now Under your wings
Cover me Within Your mighty hands
When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You, above the storm
Father, You are king over the flood I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul, in Christ alone Know His power, in quietness and trust
Monday, April 21, 2008
Princess Retreat!

Well this weekend was Julia's turn to go on a retreat!......Friday she went to my Mom and Dans and they had a "Princess Party" with some friends ,complete with the princess dress code! She had so much fun that she wanted to stay another night!! So she stayed to "help" them get ready for lunch on Sunday that we had, to celebrate my birthday!! My Brother Robert and his wife Jessica and Son Brandon were there and My Grandma Julia and Cousin Eliu were all there at My Mom and Dans house.

Doug and I got to go out and have some time together while Julia was on her retreat!
It was a great weekend for all!

Friday, April 18, 2008
Velvet Sea
Proverbs 12:25 An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.
That is such a great verse and of course it is my Moms Birth Verse!
She has always been such an encouraging person........always looks at the bright side of things and stays strong even through some very tough circumstances........and how you face circumstances makes a huge difference in the outcome and even in the process. My Mom has been through everything from tragic family loss to breast cancer and everything in between.....and unless you know her or have really followed the events in her life would never know what she has been through just by looking at the surface.....I know that I can go to her with anything and she will love me no matter what.......she is a great lady and I am so proud to call her MOM.........When I count my blessings she gets counted more than once........................ I wrote a poem for her......I think I was in High School when I wrote it ...... I am not sure of the date........
My Mom is very special to me
She is my closest friend
No matter what problems there maybe
On her I can always depend
She always knows how I feel
At times I think she reads my mind
She loves me always, her love is real
A love like hers, you rarely find
I thank God for her when I pray
I'm glad He chose her to be my mother
I hope I can be just like her someday
She is the best.....and I love her.
That is such a great verse and of course it is my Moms Birth Verse!
She has always been such an encouraging person........always looks at the bright side of things and stays strong even through some very tough circumstances........and how you face circumstances makes a huge difference in the outcome and even in the process. My Mom has been through everything from tragic family loss to breast cancer and everything in between.....and unless you know her or have really followed the events in her life would never know what she has been through just by looking at the surface.....I know that I can go to her with anything and she will love me no matter what.......she is a great lady and I am so proud to call her MOM.........When I count my blessings she gets counted more than once........................ I wrote a poem for her......I think I was in High School when I wrote it ...... I am not sure of the date........
My Mom is very special to me
She is my closest friend
No matter what problems there maybe
On her I can always depend
She always knows how I feel
At times I think she reads my mind
She loves me always, her love is real
A love like hers, you rarely find
I thank God for her when I pray
I'm glad He chose her to be my mother
I hope I can be just like her someday
She is the best.....and I love her.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My Mom is Back!

Ok so I can see why she loves her place in Kona........ we love it too!........but she was gone for 2 months and we sure did miss her! .........My Mom is back from her trip to Kona Hawaii! She has a beautiful place there but I know that she missed us also and is glad to be home.


Monday, April 14, 2008
Flesh VS. The Spirit
Oh the thirst of the flesh to want more,the flesh is weak and attempts to quench the thirst with the next fix for its adrenaline addiction ,things that temporarily satisfy the flesh, such as shiny new possessions, mood altering substances, gossip, over indulgence, pride, selfishness, ............
....the list is long but the satisfaction is short lived,......and the dry empty fruit is bitter.......
that is the nature of the flesh......temporary........short wares out with time..........I should not be defined by my flesh.....for I am not flesh alone..the flesh is only the vessel for the true essence of my being...... my spirit....the part that will be there after the flesh is out of I strive to feed my strengthen the eternal asset of my being invest in eternal things.......things that won't rust........things that won't be stolen.........things that won't die............spiritual things......the things that God can only give us........His word is water for my heals comforts lasts.......forever. Father , Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can overcome the weaknesses of the flesh.......for the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control......all of these are really what I am thirsty for.......what brings genuine satisfaction................and adrenaline is just a high priced counterfeit that the flesh cannot afford to be addicted to...........
....the list is long but the satisfaction is short lived,......and the dry empty fruit is bitter.......
that is the nature of the flesh......temporary........short wares out with time..........I should not be defined by my flesh.....for I am not flesh alone..the flesh is only the vessel for the true essence of my being...... my spirit....the part that will be there after the flesh is out of I strive to feed my strengthen the eternal asset of my being invest in eternal things.......things that won't rust........things that won't be stolen.........things that won't die............spiritual things......the things that God can only give us........His word is water for my heals comforts lasts.......forever. Father , Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can overcome the weaknesses of the flesh.......for the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control......all of these are really what I am thirsty for.......what brings genuine satisfaction................and adrenaline is just a high priced counterfeit that the flesh cannot afford to be addicted to...........
Birthday # 41
Well, yes.... today I turn 41 years old ....or young......I have to keep in mind that the forties are the new thirties.....? or is it the sixties the new forties.......oh well......whatever it is is NOT that old!!!! It seems like it when you are in your twenties, that forty is so far away........but it comes very quickly......very here on earth goes very fast.......but keeping my eternal perspective I try to remember that eternal life is long, in that respect I am just getting started!!
I had a wonderful time at the retreat in Arrowhead.........a mountain top experience..........the theme was about receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, and having a heart on fire. The Power of Prayer and Surrender to the Spirit. How surrender or letting go, allows you to receive.....and how being devoted is the key to consistent and effective powerful living. It really inspired me to be more devoted to prayer......yes I pray daily.......yes I talk to God along the way .....and that is vital to my life......but I want to spend more planned prayer time......more devoted communication with God......... more time in listen to His Word........I want to have a more powerful Spirit .........yes, I need to take care of my physical self too so that I won't be too worn out to get through the rest of my journey, and I am going to try to be more dicipline in exercise and what I am eating......and a big struggle for me is getting enough sleep.......I want to try this year to be better about taking care these things.........and try to make 41 a year of letting God s power be on high voltage in my life .
I had a wonderful time at the retreat in Arrowhead.........a mountain top experience..........the theme was about receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, and having a heart on fire. The Power of Prayer and Surrender to the Spirit. How surrender or letting go, allows you to receive.....and how being devoted is the key to consistent and effective powerful living. It really inspired me to be more devoted to prayer......yes I pray daily.......yes I talk to God along the way .....and that is vital to my life......but I want to spend more planned prayer time......more devoted communication with God......... more time in listen to His Word........I want to have a more powerful Spirit .........yes, I need to take care of my physical self too so that I won't be too worn out to get through the rest of my journey, and I am going to try to be more dicipline in exercise and what I am eating......and a big struggle for me is getting enough sleep.......I want to try this year to be better about taking care these things.........and try to make 41 a year of letting God s power be on high voltage in my life .
Friday, April 11, 2008
Retreat at Lake Arrowhead
Today I leave for the weekend to attend a women's retreat at Lake Arrowhead! I am so looking forward to it. I have not been away from Julia for more then one night and when I have it has only been for the evening and she is the one going to Grandmas house. I know all will be fine, she and Doug will have a great Daddy/Daughter weekend. Doug is a wonderful Dad, I am very blest to have him for my husband, he takes very good care of us, and I am so thankful to be able to go and have such peace, thank you Doug, I Love you. Dougs birth verse is so fitting also ..........James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Today is the date that would have been the due date of the pregnancy that miscarried last September......September 9th 2007..........quite a day........ heartbreaking.......All I can say is God showed up that day and held me so tight that I was in awe......even though I was experiencing such a devastating situation.... He let me know that He was there in so many Extraordinary ways that only I can understand in my Spirit......I know without one single shadow of a doubt that my baby is in Heaven and God is taking very good care of that child , and what a comfort it is to have that peace . The birth verse for September 9th is Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
And now today God is giving me a retreat on this date that could possibly be a hard one for me.........Just a small sample of the kind of Extraordinary ways that God lets me know that He is there. Thank you Heavenly Father , I Love you.
Today is the date that would have been the due date of the pregnancy that miscarried last September......September 9th 2007..........quite a day........ heartbreaking.......All I can say is God showed up that day and held me so tight that I was in awe......even though I was experiencing such a devastating situation.... He let me know that He was there in so many Extraordinary ways that only I can understand in my Spirit......I know without one single shadow of a doubt that my baby is in Heaven and God is taking very good care of that child , and what a comfort it is to have that peace . The birth verse for September 9th is Psalm 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
And now today God is giving me a retreat on this date that could possibly be a hard one for me.........Just a small sample of the kind of Extraordinary ways that God lets me know that He is there. Thank you Heavenly Father , I Love you.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
American Idol bows to Jesus
I was pleasantly surprised tonight, watching American Idol.........first there was a band that performed a song that had the main lyrics of "Jesus on the main line.....tell Him what you want....If your are sick and need healing...if you are down and out...... Tell Him what you want ......I am not sure of all the words of the song....... but it was very cool that a song like that, that seemed to be encouraging prayer, was met so enthusiastically !Praise the Lord!..........And then Dolly Parton came on stage and sang a song titled ......
It totally ROCKED!!! This world is thirsty for the truth and the light .....and I for one am glad that such a widely viewed television program like American Idol is giving Jesus the stage. They might as well give Him the stage now, because one day He will Take the stage as Lord of All ...the Bible says in Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus , Every Knee should Bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
"Jesus and Gravity".......The lyrics are.........I'm to the point where it don't add up. I can't say I've come this far with my guitar on pure dumb luck. That's not to say I know it all 'cause every time I get too high up on my horse I fall. 'Cause I've got somethin' lifting me up, somethin' holdin' me down. Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground. I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. But I'm as bad as anyone takin' all these blessin's in my life for granted one by one. When I start to thinkin' it's all me, well, somethin' comes along and knocks me right back on my knees. And I've got somethin' lifting me up, somethin' holding me down. Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground. I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. He's my friend, He's my light. He's my wings, He is my flight. And I've got somethin' lifting me up, somethin' holding me down. Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground. I've got all I'm gonna need. I've got Jesus, I've got Jesus. I've got somethin' lifting me up, somethin' holdin' me down. Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground. I've got all I'll ever need, 'cause I've got Jesus and gravity. Oh, I've got somethin' lifting me up, somethin' holding me down. Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground. I've got all I'll need, 'cause I've got Jesus and gravity. Jesus, I've got Jesus, I've got Jesus. He's my everything. He lifts me up, He gives me wings. He gives me hope and He gives me strength, and that's all I'll ever need as long as he keeps lifting me. He is my life, He's my guide. He is my wings, He is my flight. Lift me, I got Jesus, I've got Jesus and that's all I need.
It totally ROCKED!!! This world is thirsty for the truth and the light .....and I for one am glad that such a widely viewed television program like American Idol is giving Jesus the stage. They might as well give Him the stage now, because one day He will Take the stage as Lord of All ...the Bible says in Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus , Every Knee should Bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
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