Julia's kindergarten class went to the pumpkin patch for a field trip yesterday. They had a great time! They dressed up like farmers.....as it was farmers day at school.
We don't do Halloween......just can't celebrate all the death and gore of evil........it is to me making fun of a very serious and real subject......and if the enemy can get us to make fun of it and not treat it as if it is real....then we won't face the truth.....darkness,evil,..death and hell is real ......it is in fact eternal reality unless we have been saved by the blood of Jesus and choose to spend eternity with God in Heaven......as we carved the pumpkin that Julia got at the pumpkin patch, I was reminded of something that I have heard before......when we give our lives to Jesus, He cleans us out.....just like we do with the pumpkin when we remove all the yucky stuff on the inside......then He fills us with His Holy Spirit and shines through us and makes us a new creation.
My new song is called "Make Me More Like You" it is a prayer that if you pray it and really mean it with your heart.......God can make an amazing transformation that will blow your mind.
Make Me More Like You By Lora Poe
Empty me, of anything that's not pleasing You. Just strip it away.
Heal me Lord, of all the pain of sin I've been through....Like only You can do.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit , and make my life brand new.
Lord I want to be, less like me, and my Jesus, make me more like You.
More of Your Love, instead of my pride.
More of Your Peace and Joy and Righteousness inside of me.
Lord I want to be a vessel, where Your Holy Spirit abides.
Live in Your presence, all the days of my life.
Break the chains, of anything that keeps me from following You. Just break them away.
And Heal me Lord, of all the pain of sin I've been through. ...like only You can do.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and make my life brand new.
Lord I want to be less like me, and my Jesus, make me more like You.
Repeat Chorus
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