This weekend was a packed full of fun started out we went to a 50th birthday party for a friend of ours on Friday night and it was a lot of fun. Then on Saturday morning we went to a 5th birthday party for one of Julia's friends, the party was at Pump it UP and it was great of course!.....then after the party on Saturday morning we went to Oceanside to the boat,.....we haven't been there in over two months! that is a long time for us not to see all of our friends in Oceanside. The Christmas light boat parade was scheduled for Saturday night, but it was cancelled due to the weather..... Matt and Diane and their kids came to have dinner on the boat with us, we bar b cued tuna and had a great party on the boat, then we went to Monterrey Bay Restaurant to have dessert and dance to the fabulous Steve Orrs music......Marshall and Rhonda joined us there and we just had a great evening! Then , this morning we slept in and just spent the day relaxing and napping on the boat.......when we got home we got ready to go to the Mc Callum Theater to see Wynonna Judd in Concert! It was Julia's first time to go to the Mc Callum to see a concert! Julia has been to the Mc Callum to perform on stage when she was taking tap dancing........but she had never been in the audience before!......Well of course, the show was fabulous!! It was a Christmas show......Wynonna is so great! I have been a fan of hers for many years and Julia is now a big fan also.......after the show, we got to meet her!.....I didn't have my camera....but someone took a picture of Julia with Wynonna and said that they would send me a copy of the picture! hopefully .....Wynonna was very nice, she took the time to talk to Julia and I know that made a huge impact on Julia........what a great experience! Thank you Wynonna! (I gave her a Christmas card with my blog address so maybe she will read this: ) Well, anyway we are so blessed to have had such a wonderful time this weekend.

Julia ready to go to the Wynonna Concert!
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