Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Valley Walk for Life Coming up Saturday October 25th

The Crisis Pregnancy Center here in Palm Desert is a place where women can come and get free testing, counseling and help when they are pregnant and it is a crisis situation.......many young women come there to find out if they are pregnant.....or to get counselling on the options that they have in this situation... they have an ultrasound , so that the women can see the baby.....I was there just today to meet with the staff to talk about the upcoming fund raiser that benefits the is called " The Valley Walk for Life" and it is held at Southwest Community Church......I am helping with the committee that is in charge of the Auction and Ticket Pull (raffle) we have a lot of very nice items that have been donated for the prizes! Including,
Golf Packages , Dinner gift certificates, House cleaning , furniture, pedicure, gift baskets of many kinds, Photography from Cordova, piano lessons, jewelry........just to name some.......
It is a great cause, I was really touched today, when I was there .....a babys life was saved.
A young girl came in and she was wanting to get an abortion.....(they do not give abortions there)
but sometimes people come in thinking they do or to find out about their while
I was there this young girl was very upset when she got there, and she was set on having an abortion because she was scared to tell her parents.......understandable to be scared, she was only about 16 years old.....and she thought that if she told her parents that she would be kicked out of the home......well, they counselled her and explained what exactly an abortion was and they figured out that she was about 20 weeks along (that is half way through) then they did an ultrasound and the girl completely changed her mind when she saw the baby inside her, was a completely formed living baby girl.........she went from crying to smiling.......I am sure that she is still going to have hard times ahead, but she couldn't help but smile and connect with her baby when she saw the life on the is very powerful and thank the Lord that she can now make a decision that is informed with truth and can have the help she needs. The center has classes for parents , information about and help on adoption and other source of help for pregnancy....also a beautiful baby boutique filled with everything for baby...........all of the merchandise is donated and is gently used or new and is sold to raise money to support the center......also if parents don't have money, they can earn store credit by attending parenting classes at the center.......They are really making a difference and I am so glad to be able to help this great cause!
I would encourage anyone that is available on Saturday October 25th from 8:00AM - 12:00
to come and join the fun, food and fabulous prizes........have a great time for a great cause. And if you are not able to attend but are interested in supporting this cause, my daughter Julia is walking, and she could always use another sponsor!
Isaiah 44:24 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I the Lord, am the maker of all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself, and spreading out the earth all alone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be there!