A few months ago, right after I started this blog, I saw an ad on Craigs list for some bar stools that really looked like they would be great for our kitchen counter seating......I showed the ad to Doug and he agreed that we should go look at them......the people that were selling the bar stools were selling all the furnishings of the house, and when I called, the man mentioned that he had a house full of things for sale and maybe I would look at the bar stools and look around at the other things as well.......so when we got there we really liked the bar stools and decided to buy them......
There was something else that caught my eye.......it wasn't something that I would have ever went out looking to find and not something that I would have expected to even want in my house.......It was a statue lamp of the woman at the well.......you know, like the one in the Bible story........the one in my birth verse that Jesus tells ......the water I give you, you will never thirst again.......! It is a beautiful lamp.......and it does go nice in our bedroom......but it was more than that to me.......it was like a reminder of my birth verse and I felt like we were meant to find it..............I recently wrote another song........the song is titled " The Woman at the Well (Living Water) " and John 4 ( the story of when Jesus meets this Samaritan woman at the well ) is the inspiration for the song.
Below are the lyrics and the recording is above
You ask me what I'm doin', my life's been improvin'
How is it I'm doin' so well?
You remember me when, my life was in a ruin
Frankly I was headed for Hell.
Then Jesus met me at the well
And He knew me better then I know myself
And He gave me Living Water and I, I'll never thirst again
He gave me Living Water, and I, I'll never thirst again.
I am so thankful , He is so faithful
I just want to tell everyone
Isn't it amazing, all the hope His grace brings
Just look what the good Lord has done
When Jesus met me at the well
And He knew me better then I know myself
And He gave me Living Water, and I, I'll never thirst again
He gave me Living Water, and I, I'll never thirst again.
I was so thirsty, empty inside.
And Jesus filled me, I'm satisfied
Cuz He gave me Living Water, and I, I'll never thirst again
He gave me Living Water, and I, I'll never thirst again.
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