Southwest Community Church located in Indian Wells, California, on the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street. The address is 77-701 Fred Waring Drive, Indian Wells, CA 92210.
Easter weekend--Same message at all services-- Saturday, March 22Video Café Live at 5 PM Sunday, March 23 Classic at 7:00, 8:15 and 9:30 AM Video Café Venue at 9:30 AM Video Café Live at 11 AM en EspañolSábado 5 PM Domingo11 AM
It is Easter Morning, and I woke up thinking of your comments about God's amazing love.....and the bond of love that is between a parent and child. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3:15. I think the love between a parent and child is the most amazing emotion that we know, and God uses that to show us how he loves us.
I remember when you were born, I loved you so much, (and still do by the way) that I would give my life for you......then I became pregnant with Robert. I wondered if I would be able to love another child as much as I loved you. It bothered me, I couldn't imagine having more love inside me for another child. I talked with a wonderful lady in our church about it, and she assured me that God would supply all the love I needed for as many children He would give me. When Robert was born, the love was there.....just as strong, just as unconditional as the love I felt for you. It still is there. This makes me think of how God loves ALL of His just the "perfect" ones, not just the beautiful......He loves us all with that greatest love.
It is Easter Morning, and I woke up thinking of your comments about God's amazing love.....and the bond of love that is between a parent and child. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3:15. I think the love between a parent and child is the most amazing emotion that we know, and God uses that to show us how he loves us.
I remember when you were born, I loved you so much, (and still do by the way) that I would give my life for you......then I became pregnant with Robert. I wondered if I would be able to love another child as much as I loved you. It bothered me, I couldn't imagine having more love inside me for another child. I talked with a wonderful lady in our church about it, and she assured me that God would supply all the love I needed for as many children He would give me. When Robert was born, the love was there.....just as strong, just as unconditional as the love I felt for you. It still is there. This makes me think of how God loves ALL of His just the "perfect" ones, not just the beautiful......He loves us all with that greatest love.
Love, Mom
Thank you Mom, that is so true.....and so Wonderful :> Love, Lora
My finger slipped on the number....correction.....John 3:16.
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