Well, I am jumping in feet first!! I thought that this blogging thing would be great for me because I used to write a journal and I have written songs and poems and stories in the past.....but it has been way too long since I have written anything and I am missing it!
Why the title Living Water? Well, it seemed to be an obvious choice today after I received an email that directed me to a web site that gives you a Bible verse that is selected for you according to your
Birth date.....Mine is ...John 4:14
NIV (but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.) ........I began to think about it and reflected on the water theme that seems to be connected with my life......My Grandpa was a water well driller, my Dad and his Dad were in the Radiator business (Which cools the water in a automobile engine) I was in the Radiator business for 12 years with my parents.......and as a cosmetologist , use
a lot of water to wash hair !! ......and now I am married to an owner operator of a Water Truck company called Poe's Water Kegs! It is also part of a song that we are singing for the Good Friday Service at church next weekend
Come as you are, come and drink from the living water
That flowed from His hands, flowed from His side
Come as you are, come and bathe in the healing water
Cleansing from sin, releasing new life
Draw near to Him, and He’ll draw near to you
He’s been waiting for you to call on His name
So come, come as you are.
I Just love that song! It really is appropriate ........ like
a lot of things in life we want to do,
I have been wanting to start writing again and just have not made the time.....so here it is, just as I am, not after all the laundry is caught up or my desk is organized or I am in shape or have lost 5 pounds or have everything just perfect......that day never comes!! The living water that the Lord has springing up in me is ready to be poured out as He supplies .......And I am going to do my best to make this blog a fountain of thoughts , stories , good words for whoever is
thirsty for a little living water.